Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Food For Thought

Sometimes God allows things to happen to us not to hinder but to 
teach us and to strengthen a lot of time we ask God for growth, 
financial increase, etc. But we don't want to go through spiritual change and guidance in order to get there. Not going through the proper training and guidance is like getting in a car and driving and you've never driven before your gonna hit the gas full speed and crash every single time you will waste so much time because each time you crash you have to take time out to recover before you can start over and we have to remember Gods time is nothing but a moment but in our time frame its years. So we've just pushed our progress back years all because we didn't want to take the necessary steps. When we take the time out to listen to what God is saying we will make it hard to prosper every single time. We may not like the process and to us it may take longer but Gods plan is to make it a lifetime victory but when we interrupt his plans for our lives we make a lifetime turn into a temporary situation and he's going to make you start over every single time until we get that the kingdom and everything that we need is at hand but it is through his will and not our own. There is an understanding and obedience that has to be taken first. My pastor preached in one of his sermons once were praying and asking God for a home or to win the lottery but why is God going to bless you with something when you are not spiritually ready for it. If he releases when you are not ready you will tear down everything as soon as he gives it to you. But when we operate in his grace and guidance you will have the victory every single time.

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